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How Antiquing an interior wall can improve your decor

Over the years, we’ve helped a lot of people with unique painting projects. Stenciling, feathering, antiquing... we’ve done it all! So whether you’re going it alone or just want some more information before looking for help from the professionals, we’ve got some great tips for how to antique an interior wall.

There are many different antique looks you can go after, and in this blog we’ll go over the process for a softly mottled antique look.

Things which can be antiqued

Walls: Walls are definitely the most popular choice for antiquing these days. Some people choose to antique the walls of the entire house, a single room or just one wall as a focus for a room. There are many different antiquing techniques, from streaky to heavily mottled, to chipped or textured, or the softly mottled we’ll look at below. Really, antiquing is only limited by your imagination, the tools at your disposal and patience... which is why many choose to have a professional help.

Cabinets: Antiquing cabinets has also grown in popularity lately, with most concentration being on kitchen cabinets though some also choose to antique bathroom cabinetry.

Kitchen cabinets are often antiqued in homes where it really fits the aesthetic, like turn-of-the-century homes, converted farmhouses, cabins and the like.

General Techniques for softly mottled antiquing

1. Types Of Paint & How Much?

Generally speaking, antiquing is a work of layers. In light of this, you’ll need at least two if not three shades of your desired color – for instance, three shades of blue from the same paint chip – along with one earth tone, such as a brown, tan or beige. You’ll also need a good primer.

Be sure to measure the walls for the amount of paint you’ll need.

2. Preparation Tips

You’ll need to prepare the room just like any other interior painting project, but you’ll also need special tools. For the soft mottled look, your main tool is going to be a few sets of plastic gloves, one paint roller and at least one if not more large sponges. The larger the sponge the better.

The wall should be clean and smooth for the most part.

3. Coats

When painting for the antiqued look, you’ll want to start by applying the lightest of your wall colors first (in this example, the lightest blue). Paint with a roller unevenly on the wall, don’t worry about being perfect. If there are a few blank spots and it’s uneven, then you’ve done it right. With the corners and edges you’ll want to paint a nice thick first layer with a brush, and do this perfectly as the corners take the least amount of wear and so will look the least antiqued.

Once dry, your second coat will be applied with the sponge. This paint is the earth tone you picked out. You’ll want to create ‘rivers’ from the top down, making uneven, jerky, wide lanes from the top of the wall to the bottom. To do this, press the entire sponge firmly onto the wall with each application. The sponge should be turned and adjusted with each press so each mark isn’t identical. Make sure the ‘rivers’ are not evenly spaced and not full length each time. This represents the wear, and nothing wears evenly.

The third coat will also be applied with a sponge, so wash it out and let it dry while the second coat dries. Apply this coat throughout the wall, and don’t forget the corners and edges. Your base color will show through this a bit, especially if you mix a bit of gloss in with this third coat.

You can add another coat if you’d like, but you should see a mottled wall in front of you now! This process is very intuitive, and becomes second nature with lots of practice (which we have).

Advantages to Choosing CCP

Having an expert at your beck and call is always a distinct advantage. Our interior antique painting professionals have years of industry knowledge and skill to make your indoor painting project true to the finish.

Our crew knows just how to give your home the look and feel you’re going for and will advise you through the entire process to make sure it’s exactly what you want. Plus, we do all of the hard work for you, saving you time and effort, getting you back to living your life faster.

Give us a call, we’re happy to talk with you about your next indoor antiquing project!

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